Physical Oceanography Group - University of Málaga
RNM 137
| Junta de Andalucía
General Information
Group leader
Jesús García Lafuente glafuente@ctima.uma.es
(+34) 952 13 27 21 | (+34) 952 13 13 55
ETSI Telecomunicación, Dpto. de Física Aplicada II, Campus de Teatinos s/n, 29071 Málaga
The Physical Oceanography Group of the University of Malaga (GOFIMA) was created in 1990. The focus of its research is the oceanic region of southern Spain, the Alboran Sea, Gulf of Cadiz and, particularly, the Strai of Gibraltar. New lines of investigation have been incorporated to GOFIMA such as the study of coastal processes and estuaries or the identification of regional climatic indices of the Mediterranean Sea to be correlated to observations of the Mediterranean outflow collected at the westernmost gateway of the Strait of Gibraltar.
GOFIMA belongs to Plan Andaluz de Investigación, a regional program of R+D+I (research group RNM137) and has been participating in funded National and European projects since long ago. It collaborates with many other research groups whose focus of interest is the aforementioned area.
Group leader
- Position: Cathedratic Professor | Group Leader
- Qualification: PhD in Physics Science | Physics Degree
- E-mail: glafuente@ctima.uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 27 21
- Office: 1.2.4 1 ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Biotechnology and Blue Development (IBYDA)
Jesús García Lafuente
Senior Members
- Position: Cathedratic Professor
- Qualification: PhD in Physics Science by the University of Malaga | Physics Degree
- E-mail: fcriado@uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 28 49
- Office: 2.3.5B ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Ocean Engineering Research (IIO)
Francisco Criado Aldeanueva
- Position: University Professor
- Qualification: PhD in Physics Science by the University of Granada | Physics Degree
- E-mail: jdcabello@uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 28 49
- Office: 2.3.5B ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Biotechnology and Blue Development (IBYDA)
Javier Delgado Cabello
- Position: University Professor
- Qualification: PhD in Physics Science by the University of Granada | Mathematics Degree
- E-mail: jcsanchez@ctima.uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 27 23
- Office: 2.3.5B ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Biotechnology and Blue Development (IBYDA)
José Carlos Sánchez Garrido
- Position: Interim Substitute Professor
- Qualification: PhD by the University of Malaga | Marine Science Degree
- E-mail: cnaranjo@ctima.uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 28 49
- Office: 2.3.5B ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Biotechnology and Blue Development (IBYDA)
Cristina Naranjo Rosa
- Position: Interim Substitute Professor
- Qualification: Physics Degree
- E-mail: conchi.calero@ctima.uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 28 49
- Office: 2.3.5B ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Ocean Engineering Research (IIO)
Concepción Calero Quesada
- Position: Hired to a research project
- Qualification: PhD by the University of Malaga | Physics Degree
- E-mail: javiersoto@uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 27 23
- Office: 2.3.5B ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Biotechnology and Blue Development (IBYDA)
Javier Soto Navarro
- Position: Hired to a research project
- Qualification: PhD in Marine Science and Engineering | Environmental Science Degree
- E-mail: ssammartino@ctima.uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 28 49
- Office: 2.3.5B ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Ocean Engineering Research (IIO)
Simone Sammartino
- Position: Hired to a research project
- Qualification: Master degree by the Polytechnic University of Valencia | Marine Science Degree
- E-mail: irenenadal@ctima.uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 28 49
- Office: 2.3.5B ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Biotechnology and Blue Development (IBYDA)
Irene Nadal Arizo
- Position: Hired to a research project
- Qualification: Master degree by the University of Granada | Physics Degree
- E-mail: pablomlo@uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 28 49
- Office: 2.3.5B ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Biotechnology and Blue Development (IBYDA)
Pablo Muñoz López
- Position: Postdoctoral researcher
- Qualification: PhD in Physics Science by the Complutense University of Madrid | Physics Degree
- E-mail: parages@uma.es
- Telephone: (+34) 952 13 28 49
- Office: 2.3.5B ETSI Telecommunication Engineering
- Institute: Institute of Biotechnology and Blue Development (IBYDA)
Jorge López Parages
Earlier members
- Qualification: PhD by the University of Malaga | Marine Science Degree
- E-mail: antonio.sanchez@ctima.uma.es
Antonio Sánchez Roman
- Qualification: PhD in Telecommunications Engineering
- E-mail: jorge.del.rio.vera@gmail.com
Jorge Del Rio Vera
- Qualification: Civil engineer
- E-mail: elisabruque@uma.es
Elisa Bruque Pozas
Research topics
- Operational oceanography
- Environmental influence on marine ecosystems
- Numerical modelling of internal waves in stratified straits
- Numerical simulation of the water mass exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar as resource of renewable energies
- Sea level variations in the Mediterranean Sea and climate forcing
- Water mass circulation in the Andalusian Littoral
- Mesoscale processes in the Alboran Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz: Oceanography in the continental shelf
- Water exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar
The developement of an operacional system in the Strait of Gibraltar is a challenging task due to the broad fan of phenomena acting at different time scales. Energetic internal waves of short period, subinertial flows induced by strong storms, and seasonal fluctuations of the mean flow interact each other leading to a complex and nonlinear dynamics difficult to predict. This research line has been recently incorporated with the collaboration of Puertos del Estado and the Italian agency for new technologies, energy, and sustainable economic development (ENEA).
To disentangle the impacts of climate and ocean conditions on marine species, the so-called end-to-end model-based strategy has received increasing attention in the last years. This strategy includes all major relevant processes in the system: physics (hydrodynamics), lower trophic levels (nutrient-plankton), and upper trophic levels (fish). The latter (fish model) is sometimes based on the explicit representation of individual organisms (individual-based models; hereafter IBM) in such a way that it can address questions where individual variability, local interactions, and adaptive behavior are essential. This modeling approach has been developed during the last years to better understand the response of small pelagic species (anchovy, sardine and sardinella) to the environment in the Canary Current Upwelling System and the Alboran Sea.
In highly stratified environments such as the strait of Gibraltar where bottom topography is very irregular and currents (particularly tidal currents) are remarkable, flow-topography interaction gives rise to important and appealing internal features among which large-amplitude, short-period internal waves are the most outstanding. In year 2006, GOFIMA started investigating such phenomena by means of both experimental and numerical approaches, and their influence in the long-term exchange.
The strength and relative uni-directionality in some places of marine currents in the Strait of Gibraltar are asessed as potential source of renewable energy by means of wind-mill technology. The research is funded by the regional government of Junta de Andalucía within the Excelence Projects program.
Straits connecting semi-enclosed seas with the open ocen are key sites to determine the basin-scale properties as they are topographic constraints for the ventilation of deep/bottom waters. The different forces driving the exchange and its variability are investigated within this research line, which is funded by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) under the INGRES projects.
Scientific-technical services
- Characterization of marine processes important for the port activities.
- Analyze and anticipate the consequences of human activities in the Mediterranean Sea.
- Numerical simulation for the deployment of renewable energies in a marine environment.
- Oceanographic coupling between estuaries and continental shelf.
- Data analysis, scientific visualization and CGI animation
- ADCP Continental by NORTEK AS | 2 units
- ADCP Signature 500 by NORTEK AS | 1 unit
- ADCP Signature 1000 by NORTEK AS | 1 unit
- Subsurface high-frequency ADCP buoy model MF-45 by Flotation Technology | 2 units
- CT SBE37-SMP by Sea-Bird Electronics | 3 units
- Currentmeter model AQUADOPP by NORTEK AS | 1 unit
- Currentmeter model AQUADOPP DW by NORTEK AS | 1 unit
- Acoustic release model OCEANO2500 Universal by iXsea | 3 units
- Acoustic release model OCEANO500 Universal by iXsea | 1 unit
- Deck unit model TT801 by iXsea | 1 unit
- Subsurface mooring monitoring beacon SMM500 by SiS | 2 units
- Subsurface mooring monitoring beacon XMA-7500 by Xeos Tech | 1 unit